When Trinny Met Amy
(in my heart not IRL)
Hi my name is Rachel and I’m obsessed with two women. Trinny Woodall and Amy Smilovic. Both are kickass leaders. Both have their own brands. And both have a true POV on fashion. Which, in a world of sameness and few ideas, I really crave. But also, more significantly and generously, both are willing to break it down. And I love to analyze and learn. Damn it, that lawyer is still in there somewhere!
My first thought when I discovered Amy was whoa. Is this me? I am not cool. (Quit laughing.) I don’t think I ever look “chill” and that’s 1/3 of her “chill modern classic” core. I look effort-full, not effortless. Also I hate the word “classic” — which to me suggests Lilly Pulitzer and things like that. Old fashioned or worse, dowdy.
But then it occurred to me that as I tell clients doing a brand DNA, you have to read the words together — so “modern” counters that “classic” element. And really, the things I’ve been describing as “mannish” (the “king” in my “Miami king” ) are Amy’s “classic.”
Hmm. And then I started wondering — do I have to be exclusive? Can Amy and Trinny coexist in my heart — and closet? And how different are they, really?
Like Miranda in the first Sex & the City movie deciding to stay with Steve, this former lawyer felt compelled to write it all down. And it turns out, there’s crossover. Now I just need to figure out where I fit into all this. How about you?